Well Done (Taken from Air Force Civil Engineer February 1972)
1971 June 08
Created by Fran 12 years ago
Award Goes to Ramey AFB Deputy Fire Chief
SMSgt Francis A Master, Deputy Fire Chief, 1640th Civil Engineering Squadron, Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico, was named the winner of the "Well Done Award" for 1971, the only award that honours the outstanding contribution to fire protection by an individual. It is sponsored by the Directorate of Civil Engineering, Headquarters U.S. Air Force.
Sergeant Master was cited for his exceptional leadership and courage in directing and actively participating in the extinguishment of a 20,000 barrel JP-4 fuel tank a Ramey AFB on 8 June 1971. According to reports, severe thunderstorms moved over the base and, during the heavy rains, a bolt of lightning struck the tank which immediately burst into flames.
Moments after the alarm, Sergeant Master directed his crew to position their fire trucks on the incline of the tank dike to gain the maximum height and best angle for the truck mounted nozzles. Seeing that the chenical agent was running down the sides of the tank instead of reaching thetop. Sergeant Master directed his men to fight the fire with hoses connected to the chemical trucks. Despite the heavy rains, lightning and blazing fire, he and five of his firemen climbed the ladder to the top of the tank to fight the fire. Additional fire fighters were at various heights of the ladder to suppiort the heavy hose while others were at the base of the tank playing out additional hose as it was needed.
It was reported that had the tank exploded at this point, all of the firemen would have been inundated with the flaming fuel. The fire was eventually brought under control and extinguished.
Sargeant Master will receive a plaque at a date to be announced.
Well Done